AF8 M22520/1-01 Crimp Tool Mfg. Daniels DMC Condition: New Surplus


Controlled ratchet hand crimp tool frame, accepts turret series M22520/1-01.

Has virtually limitless application within the specified wire range or 12-26 AWG, a Mil-standard 8 impression crimp.

With 8 step selector knob. (Turrets not included)

Mfg: Daniels DMC

Condition: New Surplus

2 in stock

Model: AF8 M22520/1-01 New Surplus


Controlled ratchet hand crimp tool frame, accepts turret series M22520/1-01.

Has virtually limitless application within the specified wire range or 12-26 AWG, a Mil-standard 8 impression crimp.

With 8 step selector knob. (Turrets not included)

Mfg: Daniels

Condition: New Surplus