The swager is equivalent to the AT520JK ATI520JK and performs the exact same functions.
The swager is designed to cold-flow the metal of a terminal into the interstices of the cable strands to which it is attached. Controlling factors are that the swaged terminal shall conform to the specified dimensions, and be free from fatigue fractures and hold at least to the minimum rated breaking strength of the cable. The dies are for the standard MS Sleeve Type and Ball End Terminals. Cut-off and trim dies are manufactured in sizes to cut cable up to 1/4″ in diameter without fraying or crushing wire strands; permitting rapid insertion of the terminal over the cable. The cut-off and trim die from 1/16″ thru 3/16″ are also provided with a precision stop arrangement which enables them to quickly trim the excess cable from the ball terminals to within the .061″ required by MS specifications. The kit comes with dies to swag, double shank ball end terminals 1/16″-3/16″, single shank ball end terminals 1/16″-3/16″, plain ball end terminals 1/16″-1/8″, cable cut-off and trim dies 1/16″-1/4″ and for sleeve type terminals 1/16″-1/4″.
Mfg: Daniels DMC
Condition: New Surplus